Meenakshi Agro Farms

MAFB-Comp Forte

A fine quality liquid containing double strength B-complex Vitamins.


  • Increases egg production and weight gain.
  • Improves hatchability.
Dosage Composition (per 5 ml) Presentation

50 to 100 ml / 100 birds

Thiamine : 07.50 mg

500 ml, 1 litre and 25 litre

Riboflavin : 02.50 mg

Pyridoxine : 01.24 mg

D-Panthenol : 02.50 mg

Niacinamide : 75.00 µg
Cyanocobalamin : 12.50 µg
Biotin : 10.00 µg
DL-Methionine : 24.00 mg
Choline : 40.00 mg
L-lysine : 10.00 mg
Cobalt Sulphate : 03.00 mg
Choline Chloride : 10.00 mg
Energy base : Quantity Sufficient